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The Middle Ages have come!

Foto del escritor: Colegio Victoria DíezColegio Victoria Díez

Our society is ruled by the feudal system. The king is the most important lord, nobles thought he was chosen by God, so he had all the power. But, who will fight for him? Who will advise about politics? Who is going to support the idea that he was chosen by God? Ah! The king needs the help of knights, nobility and the upper clergy.

Our noblewoman knows a lot of politics: she studies meanwhile her husband is in the war. She also goes to parties in different castles of the kingdom. But, who will protect her? Who will help her with her religious practice? And the most important thing: who will feed her? Ah! Here comes Joana of Arch to protect the kingdom of France! She has some scars in her skin, but they are just the prove that she is brave.

The bishop Antonio is the religious authority here. He is the best friend of the king and he married our noblewoman! What a coincidence! He can live as a privileged person thanks for the taxes that monks and peasants pay. He also controls all the monasteries in the kingdom, as the monastery of our monk. Monks aren't as bishops, they have to work their land, they study Latin and copy a lot of documents. Their library is amazing! But the most important building of the monastery is the church, of course, in which we can see Romanesque art, with a big pantocrator in the apse.

But all of this people depend on peasants! They work the fief every day to feed their families and their lord's. They also have to pay a lot of taxes. It's hard being a non-privileged person in the feudal society, but it was the will of God, so what can we do?

Everybody is connected in this society: eachone depends on others, even the king. The problem is that the vast majority of the population almost has no rights, we will wait for the French Revolution to change it!

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